InterBuildExpo 2017 was held

Completed its work one of the largest in recent years, building exhibition InterBuildExpo 2017. The exhibition was a record number of participants and the variety of products.According to experts, InterBuildExpo became a meeting place for leaders of the construction market in the country and named the best, most successful project in recent years.

Statistics show that the whole construction market of Ukraine out of the crisis and shows a trend of record growth: for example, in 2016, was commissioned new building more than in previous years.

It is in order that the builders could demonstrate their achievements,to attract new investors and customers, and also learn the successful experience of other countries, the company "Kyiv international contract fair," and holds annual international exhibition InterBuildExpo.

Production company "industry" is part of the production Corporation of the five enterprises involved in metal working and manufacturing metal cutting equipment. And for this exhibition it was decided to show the capabilities of companies on a joint stand.

Company "industry", presented to the visitors its scaffolding, a full range of profile and accessories for drywall, as well as reinforcing profiles for plastic Windows.

Over the four days of the exhibition the stand was visited by many customers, with whom we discussed our prospects and drank a Cup of coffee under the enchanting live music of saxophone. Held was negotiating with new prospective clients who are interested in our products. High quality products, viewsceutaspainaug company "industry"coupled with a competitive price, suggests that by the end of the exhibition necessarily be new contracts.

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